The role of the Collaborative Pastoral Council is to assist the pastor in his leadership role of planning, organizing, initiating, promoting, coordinating and reviewing the evangelization, worship, religious education and service activities within the collaborative.
The Pastoral Council members are leaders whose role is to formulate objectives for the goals of the collaborative and the mission of the church. The members represent a cross section of both parishes. As the eyes and ears of each parish they lend insight and recommendations to assist the Pastor in addressing the needs of each parish.
Members of the Collaborative Pastoral Council: Fr. Brian O'Hanlon Deacon Fred Horgan Mary Sheedy
Saint Jude Parish Members: Ann Collins Dan McCarty Dave Dillon Beth Budny Lesley MacEachen
Saint Edward Parish Members: Terry Davis Thomas Melville Lissa Potts Jodi Bills
Finance Councils
About the Councils
The Finance Councils of Saint Edward and Saint Jude parishes provide financial advice and counsel to the pastor. They assist in developing the budget for their parish and monitoring all operating and capital expenditures. They meet regularly to review actual expenditures against planned expenditures and explore ways in which their parish can operate more efficiently and effectively. They insure that financial control processes are in place and the environment remains in sound fiscal control. The Finance Councils also prepare an annual financial statement and summary that is presented to the parish community on an annual basis.
St. Edward Members
Fr. Brian O'Hanlon Ed Vozzella, Chair Greg Buscone Matt Long John Libertine
St. Jude Members
Fr. Brian O'Hanlon Tara Werlich, Chair Robert Cooke Deb Brown Daniel Johnston Ken Arnold