The birth of your child is a great joy and the Church shares your joy. Bringing your child to the font of Baptism is a duty of Christian parents, because it is through the waters of Baptism that a child is reborn into the life of grace and adopted as God's own child. Baptism is the begging of a parent's responsibility of passing the faith onto their child.
For young children, parents should present their child for Baptism, and then when the child is old enough they participate in the parish family faith formation program to grow in their faith and receive their other sacraments of Christian initiation. Information about Baptism for children under seven is on this page.
For older children, generally those who are seven and up, who have not yet been baptized, generally they are considered to have reached developmental point where they must choose the faith for themselves. So they participate in a program called the "Order of Christian Initiation for Children" or OCIC for short. If your child is older than seven, click here to learn about OCIC.
The Collaborative celebrates the Sacrament of Baptism for children at 1:30pm once a month at Saint Edward and Saint Jude parishes, see below for a schedule of upcoming dates. Parents who are having their first child baptized or who have not completed a baptism preparation program are asked to attend one preparation meeting, see below for a schedule.
To learn more about what the Sacrament of Baptism is, click here.